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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Differences in Music Appreciation

On the 5th of August 2009, I had a chance to practice with Melville's school band. It started after school and it was a really enjoyable experience. We played only 3 songs because they will perform next week with those songs for a concert/competition.

The thing that I learnt was how music is appreciated so well that a lot of students can play the musical instruments very well. There are just a few schools in Indonesia that still appreciate music this much. They only teach students music in primary school as an additional subject to learn and they don't even know that a lot of students are waiting for their talents to be discovered. The high school is the same and maybe worse.

The thing that I saw was actually we are not worse than they are. The composisition they played wasn't that difficult. I think the difficulty is the same as I usually play in my school orchestra, the Petra Youth Orchestra and actually I'm just learning to play my flute (the instrument that I played right now) for 1 year so I'm just an amateur. So let music heal your soul. We can do better if we're trying hard to accomplish it.


  1. I know that you enjoy your music Jess.It is good that you had the opportunity to practice with the Melville group. I hope that you can teach me music while we are here.

  2. @ Musa : Why later? Just ask me and I will glad to help as much as I can :)
    @ kiran : Yeah... No problem. (of course I'm enjoying my music. I ALWAYS enjoy my music. Especially the jazz and classical music :)

  3. With music, we can share with others.
    With music, we can know what the people want.
    With music, we can learn culture in other country. So share your music!
