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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Perfomance at Melville Primary School

On 13th of august we had our second perfomance at Melville Primary School. The first one was in Attadel Primary School. As usuall, we performed 3 dances and 2 songs.

The first dance was "Lenggang Dance" which was performed by Intan Puspa Kirana. The other performance was played in a group. Boys group (Almer, Shevian, Musa, and Robi) performed "Reog Ganongan Dance" from Ponorogo. Girls group (Intan, Sheny, Winnie, Sasha, except Jessica) performed "Punjari Dance". And then, we had to songs to be performed. They were "Rujak Uleg". It is a traditional song from Surabaya. The second song is "Laskar Pelangi". The performance in this concert is not only from us but also from the children. Such as song "Satu Dua", dances, and music performance.

At the end of the concert, we sang Indonesian National Anthem "Indonesia Raya". At all of our performance we always sing "Indonesia Raya", and the audience or the children sing Australian Anthem. We felt so proud when we sang Indonesia Raya. Just to remember and think that the main goal of being here is to make Indonesia, my country become known and better at the future. Jaya Terus Indonesia, Maju Arek-arek Suroboyo!


  1. Great... In our blog we can post something what have we done without asking from teacher..

  2. that was great and excellent. I am proud of you...

  3. So from a little thing (like our performance) can make the bigger aim accomplished well. They can learn the culture of Indonesia, spreading the information that Indonesia is a great country that the people are very welcoming, etc. So what should we need to do to keep this connection between us or maybe improving from before! Any ideas?
