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Thursday, August 6, 2009

How's Australian Family? How's Indonesian Family?

After we've stayed with an Australian family for a couple of days, we found that Australian and Indonesian families are totally different in a few ways. Australian families have a surname but most Indonesian families don't. Also, the number of children in each Australian family, usually, are more than the number of children in each Indonesian family. As well as this, in Indonesia, mostly, only the Fathers go to work while the Mothers stay at home, being housewives. However, in Australia, mostly, both fathers and mothers go to work. And, we can easily meet one or more maids in Indonesian houses but not in Australian houses - they do all of the house-work on their own!

Sedangkan, persamaan antara keluarga Australia dengan keluarga di Indonesia adalah keduanya sangat ramah kepada orang lain. Kedua, mereka mempunyai peraturan rumah mereka sendiri kepada siapapun yang tinggal di rumah mereka.

Even though there are many diffrences, both families are a nuclear family (consist of father, mother, and children). And they both really welcoming.

posted by : Winnie and Natasha


  1. Thanks for the informations
    It helps me to know Australian people better!

  2. I agree with you Winnie but i think not all of Indonesian family that the mother stay home to be housewife. It is good that you enjoy with your homestay. I hope we will stay in Perth for longer time.

  3. @ Jessica : yepp . thank anyway xD
    @ Kiran : yeahh, i knew that .. :P
    yeaahh i dont wanna go home T.T
