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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Indonesian school vs Australian school

Indonesia and Australia are quite near and are similar in some ways, but they totally contrast in schools. Both schools use a uniform but in Indonesia the uniform is much more formal because all of the uniform is the same from hat to toe.

They are only different between boys and girls. But the Melville uniform is much more informal. They just have the same jumper and polo shirt, but the students feel free to use anything for the shorts or skirt, as long it's black.

The way they study is also very different because in Indonesia all the students must study all the subjects but in Australia they are able to choose some subjects that they like.

However there's also similarities between Indonesian and Australian schools. Both are lead by a principal, and the science laboratories are also the same as those in Indonesia.

Maybe there's more differents and similarities here, but i just stay not to long so i haven't found the other different and similarities.

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